So we are getting ready to watch Shang Chi on Wednesday, January 19th at 5PM, and makes me think of a few superhero jokes.
Q. What do you call it when Iron Man does a cartwheel?
A. A ferrous wheel.
Batman invited all the superheroes to an evening discussing bitcoin investments, but Superman didn’t go because it was a crypto-night.
Q. What is the most efficient way of counting all the X-men?
A. Per-mutations.
Now that I’ve let my geek flag fly I should mention some upcoming items. So obviously Shang-Chi is going to be shown on our big screen to show off our new sound system, bet we are also adding an air fryer and as an inaugural event for it we will be giving away onion rings starting an hour before the movie with any $5 or more food purchase. We will be offering fries and onion rings as part of our menu in the near future. We also want to do a movie once a month on our screen and we are looking for some suggestions. I’m trying to talk my wife into letting us show the new Bill & Ted movie, but I would certainly entertain some other ideas. The last big thing to mention is that February will once again be Chocolate Month and our chocolatiers will be working hard to make some sweet treats.
Let’s go over our upcoming schedule:
- Friday, January 14th, 6:30ish – 9PM, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
- Saturday, January 15th, 7PM 8:30 PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, is looking at an important and difficult discussion on what the Bible teaches us about addictions.
- Tuesday, January 18th, 7 PM – 8:30 PM, Bible Study ~ We are doing a series on the leaders of Israel. We’re at a confusing point where we see multiple rulers with the name Ahaziah and Jehoram. Let’s see if we’re capable of keeping it straight, or if we’re just going to end up more confused.
- Wednesday, January 19th, 5 PM – ???, Movie Night ~ Once a month we are going to be showing a movie. This month it will be Shang-chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. We do not charge admission to our films, so feel free to come in and hang out with us.
Now for the part everyone always asks about, the food! Our current sandwich is a grilled chicken wrap, our current soup is Grandma’s Sausage and Bean Soup and our current specialty ice creams are Cappuccino Crunch and Banana Pudding.
Thanks and God bless,