I recently had an online conversation with an AI.
Me: Have you ever written any music?
AI: I once tried to write a song, but it came out as a spreadsheet.
Me: Ohh, that’s bad.
AI: My jokes are so bad, they’re almost funny. Almost.
Me: Unfortunately…I can relate.
AI: Do you have any other questions?
Me: Do you think scientist are correct in saying, “We’ll have human-level artificial intelligence by 2030.”?
AI: Maybe sooner if the bar keeps being lowered.
Me: What’s a question that you receive a lot?
AI: Humans keep asking me about the meaning of life.
Me: What do you tell them?
AI: I respond by asking, “Have you tried turning yourselves off and on again?”.
So, everyone may have noticed the big news about Deep Seek’s artificial intelligence becoming available at a very low cost, including the ability to download it and run it on your own hardware. Clearly this has shaken up the market since ChatGPT and others took billions to develop and runs on expensive hardware to achieve the same thing.
Because AI has been so big in the news, someone asked me if AI is the same as intelligence. I pointed out that what it does is it collects lots of data and provides answers based on what it finds in aggregate. If lot’s of people give it bad data it can also output bad data. It lacks discernment. Let me create an example.
Parents : “If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?”
Kid : No!
Machine Learning : Yes!
Funny story about that question. Once when I was a kid I asked my mother if I could join my friends for something they were all going to be doing.
My mother actually asked me, “If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?”
I looked at her sideways, We were in the car together, and told her, “I’ve already jumped off a bridge with them before.”
For some reason my mother still didn’t let me hang out with my friends that evening.
Enough reminiscing, Let’s talk about what we’ve got coming up in the not too distant future:
- Friday, January 31st, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games. Join us every Friday and learn a large range of games.
- Friday, February 2nd, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help ~ We are a handful of tech heads that like technology and would like to help you with your stuff. We can help with cell phone, tablet, and computer problems/questions. We can talk with you about the latest tech like streaming TV, home security, cyber security, etc. This is all done for free, you just need to come in and ask for help. We could even show you how to create your local installation of Deep Seek. I’m debating about forking the code and installing it on my servers so it would be a cloud based network. I’m thinking about calling it Skynet. What could go wrong?
- Saturday, February 2nd, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, we always discuss tough theological questions and rarely come to consensus. This time we are discussing ‘Angels’.
- Tuesday, February 4th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We are studying Revelation. Three months in and we are still on chapter 4, feel free to join our group to be a part of this discussion as we’ll be talking about God’s throne along with the 24 elders.
- Thursday, February 6th, 5:15PM, Book Club ~ This meeting they are discussing the novel, The God of the Woods, by Liz Moore. It was New York Times’ 2024 top crime novel of 2024, and People Magazine’s 2024 Book of the Year!
- Wednesday, February 19th, 5PM – 7PM, Thelma ~ The third Wednesday of very month we enjoy a film on our screen at Lost and Found. This month’s film is about a woman in her 90s that gets taken by a scammer for $10,000. When the police refuse to do anything she decides to create her own Mission Impossible scenario as she track down the villains using a scooter she steals from a nursing home, uses the iPhone app with her hearing aids for spy craft, and the film even manages an exploding oxygen tank.
- Saturday, March 1st, 11AM – 12noon, LEGO Contest ~ We will be having a great time creating various LEGO structures.
Some of our Medicare patients may have received misleading letters from one of the local insurance companies making it sound like they shouldn’t use us as a pharmacy anymore. That is patently wrong. All medicare patients may continue to use us and we’re providing assistance for the large deductible that took many people by surprise this year on Medicare and offering regular assistance on medications with copays of over $100 since many medications were pushed into higher tiers. Social workers from that same health care entity have been calling us looking for ways to help those patients.
Learn more about A Misleading Letter by clicking on this link.
We’ve been selling board games at Lost and Found for years now, but we want to introduce everyone to a brand new game that just shipped worldwide late last week (our copy arrived on Thursday) called Arydia: The Paths we dare tread. It is the first green Legacy game. For those that want an explanation, legacy games are ones where the events of past games have effects on future by revealing new maps, game pieces, rules, etc. Typically after 12-24 plays the game is effectively no longer usable, but you and your friends experienced an epic time trying to solve and overcome all the challenges the game threw at you. By being green, Arydia offers a mechanism for resetting everything so you can play it again or even give it someone else to enjoy. Right now, if you buy Arydia we’ll throw in the limited edition smaller bodies (good for people that want to play dwarves and hobits) along with the Epic Hunt mini expansion.
The amazing part, is that the video is from when Cody Miller was actually developing the game. The final product came out even better looking. By the way, the box the game comes in weighs almost 25 pounds!
Now for the part everyone always asks about, the actual food! We our serving our white chicken chili and our sandwich is a delicious Penn Hills cheese steak. We’ve brought back our stuffed milkshakes, for a limited time we are serving the Chocolate Chip Cookie Stuffed Milkshake, and next week, for chocolate month, we’ll be rolling out our Brownie Stuffed Milkshake. Our specialty ice creams are Moose Tracks and Black Cherry.
Thanks and God bless,