This Saturday is a day when you are encouraged to utilize the services and products of various small businesses like ours. This make me think about when our business was first getting started over 6 years ago. One of my friends arranged for flowers to be sent to mark the occasion and wish the Shannon and I luck.
The flowers duly arrived at our new business and and when we read the accompanying card we found it said, “Rest in Peace”.
I gave my friend a call and told him what the card read. He was really angry and called the florist to complain.
After he had told the florist of the obvious mistake and how angry he was, the florist said, “Sir, I’m really sorry for the mistake, but rather than getting angry you should consider this… somewhere there’s a funeral taking place today, and they have flowers with a note saying, ‘Congratulations on your new location.’”
Speaking of small businesses one of my friends from college started a business exporting artificial limbs to hospitals in foreign countries.
He’s an international arms dealer.
After Small Business Saturday is Giving Tuesday, November 29th this year. On giving Tuesday people are encouraged to give to the various charities and non-profits that they care about most. Through our patient care fund, our work with various clinics, and our low costs overall on meds we have saved our community over a million dollars in our first five years. Generous support from others has made that possible. Unless requested to be spent otherwise, 100% of an individual’s donation is given to the patient care fund. Please consider helping us to help our neighbors when you make contributions to the charities you care about this Tuesday.
Speaking of charities, one of my friends, knowing I used to do a lot of running, recently asked me to run a 5k for charity. Initially I said, “No.” Then, my friend told me it was for blind and physically handicapped individuals. That’s when I realized that I might just be able to win this race!
To absolutely no one’s surprise Giving Tuesday does make me think of another joke as well
Q. Why did the clown donate his salary?
A. It was a nice jester.
Okay, so I shouldn’t quit my day job just yet. Let’s talk about some of the other things I have coming up in the not too distant future:
- Friday, November 25th, 6:30ish – 9PM, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
- Thursday, November 24th, Closed for Thanksgiving Day ~ No need to cry fowl, we will be open again the very next day.
- Saturday, November 26th, all day, Small Business Saturday ~ We will have lots of games and activities, along with sales, and door prizes. Be sure to stop in for Small Business Saturday and take part in the fun. A schedule of events is as follows:
- All Day – Balloons with prizes inside and free wassail will be served all day while supplies lasts.
- 11AM – Prize ball (aka, the Saran wrap game) will be played
- 1PM – Christmas Bingo
- 3PM – Christmas Jeopardy
- 5PM – Decorate tree and sing Christmas Carols followed by Charlie Brown Christmas.
- 7PM – Hang out with our Bible study for a social night!
- Tuesday, November 29th, all day, Giving Tuesday ~ Be sure to support the non-profits that you care about most.
- Tuesday, November 29th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We are continuing our study on the Gospel of John. We are at the beginning of chapter 21 right after empty tomb was discovered. Join us as we discuss what happens next!
- Saturday, December 10th, 5PM – 7PM, Staff and Volunteer Christmas Party ~ We love all those that help us everyday to make Lost and Found awesome! We will close a little early to have food, wassail, and a white elephant gift exchange to thank everyone that makes what we do look so easy!
- Wednesday, December 21st, 5PM – 7PM, The Muppet Christmas Carol ~ Come and join us for a free movie for the public to enjoy. Our December movie is The Muppet Christmas Carol. This may or may not be what Charles Dickens intended, but it is my favorite rendition of this Christmas classic. Closed captions will be included.
Now for the part everyone always asks about, the food! Our current soup is our delicious hash brown soup, our current sandwich is kielbasa, and our specialty ice creams are currently Oatmeal Cookie Crave and Dark Chocolate Raspberry Truffle. Also, while it last, our current specialty waffle is the seasonally appropriate pumpkin.
Thanks and God bless