I recognize that most of you are probably slightly more excited about the curly fries being added to our menu but I really should take a moment and talk about our new website, lostandfoundrx.com, which is packed full of features, some of them you might even use! Now I should mention that while I was working on our website I was trying to look at some other websites for inspiration.
The American Diabetes Association is supposed to have a good website, but when I went there it asked me if I was willing to accept cookies. I’m not sure, but I think they were trying to trick me.
Someone suggested that I look at an orphanage’s website to better understand the emotions that a webpage could invoke, but I couldn’t find their home page!
Oddly enough while I was working on this, someone even suggested that I visit a site for depressed tennis players, but when I went to check it out the servers were down…
Ok, the last joke was pretty bad, but our new site is pretty darn good. We have incorporated e-commerce onto our site and so far a third of our inventory is online. To encourage people to try and use our site as we continue to add new features we’ve added a PROMO CODE you can use when checking out, newsite10. It will save you 10% off your purchase. This PROMO CODE is only good online.
In addition to the savings code, you can now use the website to request refills. It’s pretty easy if you look at the image below:
If Tommy Tutones is using it in the above GIF, then so should you.
Besides the new website, we now have curly fries with cheese sauce as of Wednesday, January 26th. This is in addition to our recent addition of onion rings with marinara sauce. I don’t know if this is a good time to mention but we also have really good prices on statins. Check out this link, Prescription Medications Costs, to see pricing on some of our generics, it might be lower than your current copay.
Let’s go over some of the other things we have coming up in the not too distant future:
- Friday, January 28th, 6:30ish – 9PM, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
- Saturday, January 29th, 7PM 8:30 PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, is discussing communion and what the Bible actually says.
- Tuesday, February 1st, 7 PM – 8:30 PM, Bible Study ~ We are doing a series on the leaders of Israel. We’ll be nearing the end of the Northern kingdom.
- February, All Month, Chocolate Month ~ It has become a great tradition for us to create many different delicious chocolate treats throughout the month. Stay posted as to what will be available each week!
- Wednesday, February 16th, 5PM – 7PM, Guardians of The Galaxy ~ We will continue to show a new movie on the third Wednesday of every month. We watched Shang-Chi in January. Be sure to let us know what movie we should watch in March!
Now for the part everyone always asks about, the food! Our current sandwich is a grilled chicken wrap, our current soup is Grandma’s Sausage and Bean Soup and our current specialty ice creams are Moose Tracks and Black Cherry. Since chocolate month starts on Tuesday, February 1st I should share what our chocolatiers will be making for the first week. There will be chocolate peanut butter bark, chocolate dipped Oreo cookies, Oreo balls! Get them while you can.
Thanks and God bless