Our Third Annual Craft Show is this Saturday (8/13/22) from 9AM – 2PM. Of course, organizing this craft show reminds me of the time I had the really unusual opportunity to organize Dwayne Johnson’s craft room. Unfortunately, I lost his scrapbook cutting tool. That’s right, I lost the Rock’s paper scissors. Hopefully I will still be able to find my scissors when this craft show is done
As we get ready for our craft show, we want to encourage everyone to come out and enjoy the day. We have some great crafts that we are planning for, and we always have a great turn out. If there are any last minute crafters that would like a table you can sign up at https://www.lostandfoundrx.com/lost-and-found-third-annual-craft-show/ or in the store.
We will also have food on the grill, and you can always count on good conversation at our soda counter. You can check out our grill menu here.
Recently, I started trying out fabric arts and crafts. Wanna know why?
I felt like it.
I was thinking about how over politicized everything has become. Even crafting has fallen into this trap. Do you know what they call the reception area for the advocacy group that represents a major craft store chain?
The Hobby Lobby Lobby Lobby
Now that I’ve hit my three joke limit, I should probably tell you what else we have coming up in the not too distant future:
- Friday, August 12th, 6:30ish – 9PM, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
- Saturday, August 13th, 9AM – 2PM, Annual Craft Show ~ This year’s craft show will have lots of activities, grilled foods, raffle baskets, and more! This is our big Summer fundraiser, so stop in and check things out.
- Saturday, August 13th, 1PM – 3PM, Old Men That Talk About Computers ~ This group, whose name is in flux, meets every Saturday to help others with their tech problems and/or talk about trending technology.
- Saturday, August 13th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, is discussing conflict resolution. If your conflicted over what to do this evening we think you should resolve to join us for food and fellowship as we tackle a complex topic.
- Tuesday, August 16th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We are continuing our study on the Gospel of John. We are currently in the middle of chapter 12. When we last left Jesus and his band of mostly merry apostles, Mary poured nard onto the feet of Jesus, and Judas was upset that he didn’t get the opportunity to sell it instead.
- Saturday, August 13th, 9AM – 2PM, Annual Craft Show ~ This year’s craft show will have lots of activities, grilled foods, raffle baskets, and more! This is our big Summer fundraiser, so stop in and check things out.
- Wednesday, August 17th, 5PM – 7PM, Galaxy Quest ~ This is a movie that intentionally spoofs several sci-fi shows/movies and Tim Allen’s character gives important leadership advice including, “I wouldn’t be a Captain without my crew.”
- Saturday, September 3rd, time TBA, LEGO Competition! ~ Who doesn’t love the parts of our imagination that are sparked by LEGO’s? We will be having the first of a series of LEGO competitions complete with prizes for various age groups. More details
Now for the part everyone always asks about, the food! Our current soup is a delicious Buffalo chicken soup (soon to be replaced by our chicken tortilla soup), and our current specialty ice creams are Banana PB Moose Tracks and Heavenly Hazelnut. We also mentioned last week that we now have Golden Malted Waffles. Thursday will be your last chance to get Apple Cinnamon Golden Malted Waffles and Pancakes, then we our going to offer banana nut bread waffles! You can even get the Banana Nut Bread Waffle topped with a sliced banana and lots of whipped cream.
Thanks and God bless