I loved Transformers as a kid, but their toys were out my parents’ price range when I was growing up. I did have a couple Gobots and I used to pretend that my tinker toys could make cool Transformers, but that fantasy always fell flat the moment one of my friends would show up with Optimus Prime or Starscream. Now as a middle aged adult I’m well passed complaining about how expensive toys are. Now I complain about the cost of health insurance. My 2023 health insurance premiums went up 40% but I’m expecting to pay 30% less than the previous year. I won’t have any money left for food or mortgage so I’ll probably die half way through the year.
Okay, maybe that last jokes needs a little bit more work. I do want to talk briefly about health insurance which means I’ve got to share some bad insurance jokes.
A doctor, a health insurance agent, and a lab tech walk into a bar. Who pays the tab?
The patient
Did you hear they’re remaking the show, The 6 Million Dollar Man?
It used to be about an enhanced human. Now it’s just a story about a guy who visits the ER without health insurance.
In all sincerity, our pharmacy is here to help those that struggle affording their medications. We have patient assistance programs and our efforts to provide many low cost medication options.
This is the time of year when many of our Medicare patients start getting letters, emails, and phone calls telling them that they need to go to a different pharmacy. Several things are wrong with that idea. First, we are in network with every major (and most minor) Medicare plans. Then the Medicare plans will claim that they will save money because some of their meds will have no copay at a preferred pharmacy. That list of no cost medications looks surprisingly similar to our essential medications program that we provide to everyone for free regardless of whether they have insurance or not. Then there is the fact that about a third of all generic scripts I fill I find our prices to be a lot less than the requested insurance copay. Lastly, let’s not forget that a large part of our assistance program is designed specifically to help people when they fall into the Medicare Gap. Some people get almost $1,000 of assistance through out the course of the Donut Hole. Please don’t believe your Medicare plan when they tell you that you need to go somewhere else. Besides, our staff actually loves you and we have better ice cream than the other pharmacies.
We just finished another movie night at our store, and now it is time to talk about our next couple of big events. We have a LEGO event coming up on November 5th at 11AM. This competition is free to the public and will have kids from first through sixth grade utilizing their imagination as they compete for prizes. Our next movie night is going to be Shrek. Possibly DreamWorks greatest movie based on a children’s’ book of the same title and it marks the beginning of a series of movies starring our green skinned monster. I truly love this movie even if the sequels are only medi-ogre.
Let’s look at what else we have coming up in the not too distant future.
- Friday, October 21st, 6:30ish – 9PM, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
- Saturday, October 21st, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help (the group formerly known as Old Men That Talk About Computers) ~ This group meets every Saturday to help others with their tech problems and/or talk about trending technology. We have solved a lot of computer problems for various platforms and devices including embedded systems, digital cameras, cd players, and we have helped people with numerous software problems ranging from laptop and cell phone apps to even thing like Apple Car Play. If we aren’t over inundated with helping people I would love to talk some about remote desktop protocols.
- Saturday, October 22nd, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, is spending this evening discussing the Biblical principle of stewardship.
- Tuesday, October 25th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We are continuing our study on the Gospel of John. We are in the midst of chapter 18 where some temple guards and roman soldiers just came across Jesus in an olive garden. Join us as we discuss what happens next!
- Saturday, November 5th, 11AM – 12:30PM, LEGO SNOT: Studs Not On Top ~ This competition is free to the public and will have kids from first through sixth grade utilizing their imagination as they compete for prizes.
- Monday, November 7th, 10AM – 12 noon, Flu Clinic ~ The Penn Hills Sr Center has asked us to give flu shots. We ask that any seniors that come should bring both their prescription insurance card and their Medicare card. Shannon will be the one administering the injections.
- Wednesday, November 16th, 5PM – 7PM, Shrek ~ Come and join us for a free movie for the public to enjoy. Our movie in November will be Shrek! Closed captions will be included.
Now for the part everyone always asks about, the food! Our current soup is our nearly famous chicken tortilla soup is almost gone and will soon be replaced by a delicious hash brown soup, our current sandwich is kielbasa, and our specialty ice creams are currently Black Cherry and Graham Central Station (which will soon be replaced by Cheese Cake Cookie Monster ice cream). Also, while it last, our current specialty waffle is the seasonally appropriate pumpkin.
Thanks and God bless