In horrific shock, we are looking at a potentially devastating snow storm this Saturday, April 1st, coupled with an invasion from the Imperial Fleet.
Of course this reminds me of a joke.
Q. What is the internal temperature of a tauntaun?
A. Luke warm.
So April Fool’s Day is one of those days that I like to think brings out the best in me. There was the time, back when I was teaching, that I had an extra helium tank. I used it to completely fill one of my co-worker’s office with balloons. Unfortunately the balloons kept popping and I think I may have taken a year off of Grace Camarata’s life (she worked in the office next to the intended recipient of the balloon prank). There was also the time I made ice cubes with Mentos in the middle and used them to pour a glass of soda for one of my brothers. There was even the time, back when fax machines printed from long spools of paper, that I faxed a nursing unit a roll of printed paper towels (sorry to the old SNU floor at Suburban General).
I would love to hear some of the best pranks you ever pulled on someone, be it friend or foe. Either send me an email, or use our website’s Contact Form to tell me about them.
I should probably switch gears and mention what else we have coming up in the not too distant future:
- Friday, March 31st, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
- Saturday, April 1st, All Day, Left Handed Coffee ~ This Saturday we are offering a new product for a limited time at Lost and Found, the left-handed coffee. Get one while you can.
- Saturday, April 1st, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help (the group formerly known as Old Men That Sit Around and Talk About Computers) ~ This group meets every Saturday to help others with their tech problems and/or talk about trending technology. We have solved a lot of computer problems for various platforms and devices including phones, smart watches, digital cameras, CD players, and we have helped people with numerous software problems ranging from laptop and cell phone apps to even thing like Apple Car Play. If you got a new (or problematic) device, bring it in and we can help you set it up!
- Saturday, April 1st, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, is discussing the relationship between Israel and the Church.
- Tuesday, April 4th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We are studying the book of Daniel chapter 12. We will be looking at the last 13 verses of Daniel, therefore completing another Book of the Bible. On the 11th we will be having a social night, which others are welcome to join us for.
- Wednesday, April 19th, Clue ~ Based on the board game, a band of strangers frantically try to figure out who is the murderer among them.
- Saturday, May 6th, 11AM – 12noon, LEGO Contest ~ We will be hosting a LEGOs competition for kids in first through sixth grade. Various prizes for different age categories will be given out and the competition is free to the public. The theme for this contest is making fake food out of LEGOs. Please do not give this competition the Tide Pod Challenge treatment.
Now for the part everyone always asks about, the actual food! Our soup is delicious tomato basil soup (which pairs well with a grilled cheese), our current sandwich is a pizza panini, and our specialty ice creams are Sugar Cookie and Banana Pudding.
Thanks and God bless,