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Baby needs a new pair of a shoes!

Or what it actually needs is a new printer.

After several hundred thousand print jobs we need to retire our main printer back in the pharmacy. This morning when I came in I kept hearing music coming from the printer. Eventually I realized it was because the paper was jamming. Then I noticed a flashing message on the printer. It read, “Just Can’t Get Enough.” Apparently it was in Depeche Mode

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Not to be cross with you…

…but I would like to have a word.

So we have included our first official newsletter crossword (this will probably not be a recurring item). Of course my wife is the real crossword pro, so whenever I do them I usually lean into her for some help. This morning while enjoying a waffle at the soda counter, I was working on the crossword in the daily paper.

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What’s black & white and red all over?

This was the simple question that my lovely wife posed to me over dinner earlier tonight. Considering the general level of profundity that my wife regularly responds to my questions with I decided to put forth a Herculean effort to respond accordingly. I puzzled and puzzled until my puzzler was sore, then I puzzled some more. Than I had a Eureka moment! I nearly shouted the answer to her in my joy at having achieved a sufficient level of enlightenment to have solved such a complex riddle.

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The title makes me feel like an over whelmed Shatner impersonator with long pauses between each word; however, we do have a lot going on! I’m speaking on Lent this coming Sunday at Kerr Presbyterian Church, my favorite nerd holiday, Pi Day, is March 14th, Tuesday night at Bible Study we are watching Risen, and Wednesday we are watching the newest Spider-Man movie.
Continue reading Too…much…for…one…title!

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Face front true believers!

Stan Lee had a huge influence on me as I watched Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends every Saturday morning as a child and he would always refer to his fans in each episode as True Believers! In the 40+ years since, I have enjoyed watching many superheroes, but few have had the enduring quality of Spider-Man. I went backwards and watched the old 60’s cartoon (which has one of the best cartoon theme songs) The 90’s cartoon series while I was in college, innumerable comic books, he was the primary reason I watched the Electric Company as a kid, I sat through the live action Spider-Man show from the 70’s, I even managed to watch the old Supaidāman series from Japan. All that said, I am really psyched to show the newest Spider-Man movie at our store on March 16th at 5 PM.

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What are LAF’s Oompa Loompas up to?

Oompa loompa doompety doo
I’ve got a perfect puzzle for you
Oompa loompa doompety dee
If you are wise you’ll listen to me
What do you get when dip all your treats
Covered in chocolate making your sweets
Taking ordinary, turned confectionery
What do you think of this theory
We like the look of it
Oompa loompa doompety da
If you come to us, visit our apothecary
You will live in happiness too
Like the Oompa Loompa Doompety do
Doompety do

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